Thursday, March 17, 2011

What Does Blogging Cost For You

If you believe having a blog is a waste of time, effort and energy then you are probably not seeing their true value or don’t want to understand why they are an important asset for a business.

Many, who appreciate blogs, realize this innovative and creative writing technique can be beneficial for any website, when done correctly. Done correctly, huh?

An effective blog will be written to showcase experiences, suggestions, information, links to other websites for more information, tips, stories, facts and many other things relevant to your business or industry. Notice how I never mentioned, selling something. Selling something, anything, within a blog can cost your business trust and credibility. People aren’t going to spend time trying to be sold while reading a blog. Try this tactic and the little “X” in the upper corner becomes that much more attractive and, uh oh, your reader just clicked it!

Now that you have a basic understanding of how blogs work, let’s take a closer look at three important related costs of incorporating a blog into your website.
  • Money: Some blogs take money to build into the website, while others are free. Linking to your free blog site from your website is a great way to reduce costs and build your credibility, but what if a blog could help you make money? When you have a free blog site, it can’t be crawled and indexed by the search engine spiders, meaning less content being read by the spiders. Now, if you have a built in blog, everything you write can be crawled and indexed. How nice is that? More content for the spiders to absorb, helping your website rank higher within the search engines. Think of a blog as a financial and reputation building investment.

  • Time: I’ve spent 15 minutes writing this particular blog up to this word. What have these last 15 minutes consisted of? A couple minutes spent reading other blogs, to help with the creative stream of points to be made, while the other time has been spent thinking and typing. Depending on the topic, blogs can soak up a good chunk of time researching, reading and trying to be creative, whereas some may take a couple minutes explaining an experience fresh in your mind. Try to make a habit of writing a blog once a week and if you think you’re really good, try two a week. It’s not brain surgery, 18 minutes.

  • Credibility: As stated above, blogs can be very good or very bad. Good blogs help readers understand past experiences of the writer or the company. Good blogs answer questions the reader may have regarding a specific subject. Good blogs direct readers to read more from another relevant website with built in links. Good blogs help with the branding of your business. Bad blogs try to sell you a service, a product, an idea etc… Bad blogs are poorly written and irrelevant. Bad blogs assist the reader with leaving your website faster. Be real, be informative and have fun.

I’ve heard over and over again how blogs aren’t for every business, I disagree. Blogs can simply be nothing more than experiences or stories and every business has them. Do research. Read blogs. Exercise your writing skills. What will your blog cost?

The Revive Team / 919.802.0424 / Contact Us Today!

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